Palestine and the gay community

•March 19, 2024 • Leave a Comment

The gay community or queer LGBTQ+ community has all ways been in the forefront of freedom and liberation movement so it is of very little surprise that many in the community support the Palestinian struggle for freedom and independence from the oppression of the Zionist state of Israel.

In the same manner that them gay movement supported the struggles of the South African People and the ANC in its struggle against the white Apartheid regime in south Africa.

Also many Gays of my generation where heavily involved in the anti Vietnam war protests. Against Americas genocide of the the Viet Cong.

its common knowledge that Zionism is the breeding ground for fascist attitudes to life

•February 6, 2024 • Leave a Comment

why UK ,USA and Germany are no supporting Palestine .An are supporting Israel committing Genocide

•February 6, 2024 • Leave a Comment

The primary reason is the discovery by British Petroleum of large amounts of oil and gas in the Mediterranean in what should be Palestinian territorial waters, just off the coast of GAZA. The Hamas attack on Israel was a desperate attempt to bring this to the worlds attention before the UK supported by the business involvement of its prim ministers father in law and his wife’s business empires interests in a joint Israeli company Infosys with the support of the Zionist government. are able to exploit this for their own gains . The Zionist government of Israel is fully intent on Genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza. Slaughtering as many as possible and bombing them and the area to rubble so they can take over and claim the mineral rights to said oil and gas for the Israeli economy. As once they have removed the obstacle of the Palestinians they would claim it as Israeli territory and begin the exploitation of the resources. Then Current corrupt UK government both the incumbent ruling conservatives and the Labour opposition are both complicit in this genocide. In their refusal to condemn the Zionist and the war crimes of the IDF.

The USA the EU and the UK governments are all ignoring the voting public who are 75% against the genocide. this is partly due to the lobby funding for political party’s by the Zionist lobby and their business supporters. An partly because the over all business community stands to gain financially from the exploitation of the mineral wealth.[0]=AZV-DC1xg8b-GQkLlj9ZSd5yq8F5PfuQC0KG4RKGYlS8JKlur56DY2NiDk-2BaYecs8q_Rm7niiCWdLmOMC8LZKG3wRsFg4DhVPREjCVMsYkMlzWcz_BkLs4mMjv4UBoOry4tWoBi27FD1xDn0mHOouOuEQ0NHA2iopocVqiz8ZpBBsfL4NJnLycQ-zJ0KcXtcU&__tn__=H-R

What is happening at Fukushima

•January 13, 2022 • 1 Comment


About the ramping up cost of the clean up of the nuclear disaster in Japan wrote by the tsunami.

That spells out the danger to all of us on the planet both from this and the continued use of nuclear generation of electricity.

TEPCO the Tokyo Electric Power Company. Has been decommission three nuclear meltdowns in reactors, since the Tsunami.  TEPCO still does not know how to handle the enormously radioactive nuclear fuel debris, or corium, sizzling hot radioactive lumps of melted fuel rods and container material in No. 1, No 2 and No.3, this should worry us all who live in nations that think Nuclear power is the way to help us bridge the transition to renewable sources of energy.

TEPCO it seems is not even certain where all of the corium is and whether it’s getting into underground water resources. Which is certainly a risk as the amount of water they are using to keep the existing melt down cool enough not to explode and cause a mass evacuation of Tokyo is proving hard to control and account for as all of it needs to be contained to prevent further contamination as it is within minuets of use it is highly radioactive.

This situation is not unlike the Chernobyl problem of having to build the new housing for the melt down there . and the problem of dealing with the decommissioned nuclear waste currently stored at Sellafield at Cumbria in the UK.

The cooling water continuously poured over the creakily dilapidated ruins. The water held in the storage ponds full of radioactive waste at Sellafield. all becomes radio active how long this takes depends ion how hot the material is that it is trying to cool. currently at Fukushima this is almost instantaneously, and must be processed via an Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) to remove most radioactive materials. that are then housed in a containment building on site. The process flushes out “slurry” of highly concentrated radioactive material that has to go somewhere. the storage containers for the tainted slurry quickly degrade because of the high concentration of radioactive slurry. So new containers are constantly needed you may have seen this report on the news a couple of years back I certainly remember it being reported by BBC news .

The article is much longer and if you have the time and the stomach for it well worth the read. the long and short of it though is that we are all in danger of suffering from the problems of waste in the nuclear industry its disasters, as well as its decommissioning through end of use, both physically in ill health and associated sickness. As well as from the financial costs of the process. we need to move away from nuclear and build more plants like Dinorwig in wales and other power storage facility’s as well as more tidal barrage generation of power . We will still have to deal with the aftermath of our dalliance with nuclear power, An I am noting that there is a difference between fission reaction the path we went down to get material for nuclear war heads. An fusion. { Nuclear fission power plants have the disadvantage of generating unstable nuclei; some of these are radioactive for millions of years. Fusion on the other hand does not create any long-lived radioactive nuclear waste. A fusion reactor produces helium, which is an inert gas.] so it is possible that we may be able to build fusion power plants plants that are potentially green and none contaminating. we do how

Lessons from Fukushima disaster 10 years later | Stanford News

ever have a lot of cleaning up to do before we can say that nuclear is a sustainable sources of energy.

•June 28, 2021 • 1 Comment

USA pays criminal to lie about Julian Assange


•June 16, 2020 • Leave a Comment


 I would say it’s fairly simple it’s a matter of where your investment is if you are Priti Patel [our current home secretary] or one of the other ethnic minority Conservative members of Parliament, or you have a good job in the legal profession for example . you know which side your bread is buttered and you are not going to upset the status quo now are you. If you do you actually won’t have your position and influence any more.

Those fighting on the black lives matter side of the equation no matter what their ethnicity. Tend to be people who believe that black people and ethnic minorities, are actually oppressed and want to see a fair equal distribution of wealth and an end to privilege with in the society.

Those on the other side shouting all lives matter and calling the black lives matter peeps thugs and extreme left wing communists. Tend to be those who will lose their status and privilege of being the white indigenous people of northern Europe { an not all actually British often in this day and age they are people who have come from east european European community country`s Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Estonia , Lithuania Slovenia and the Czech republic ] if change is actually brought about.

Who at heart would really like to see an all white English conservative society. Even those who may not actually be white English. Many of them feel like this. If you remember the BBC sketches in goodness gracious me with Meera Syal. Sanjeey Bhaskar and gang playing the (kumas) SORRY Coopers joining the golf club and paying for their seats to the vicar in the parish church that is the Priti Patel and the ethnic Conservative brigade.

So yes black lives matter and its supporters do see it as a matter of class. It is the preposterous idea that has been bread in to the United Kingdom population and educationally reinforced by the government and elites since the days of the British empire that white is right, white is might and any thing else is simply not good enough . Of course the church and religion along with slavery had a large part to play in this as well. in all parts of the empire . Cleanliness is next to godliness so woe betide a working man turning up at the Chapel, Kirk or Church still black from the mine . Even in India you must have been aware of the whiteness of skin in the high cast Indians my dear friend Nicky on your many trips there. What ever else India has to offer. The cast system that still operates is definitely a white skin privilege thing, the browner your skin the lower CAST. An in most country’s across the world the darker your skin or the redder you are seen to be the general trend is that you must be a worker not an elite. So the elites can then talk down to you or even just walk all over you and get away with it. An this is why it is possible for the force of law and the institutions of government and the state to abuse and treat you as less than a human being. This is what black lives matter and its supporters be they from what ever group gay, lesbian, Roma, Native Americans, Rohinyga, Australian aboriginal, all first nation people of any country’s are fighting for the right to be equal to the governing elites.

They are fighting to to bring down their policy’s of oppression and division in order to maintain exploitative control. By which the elites retain their power and economic position.

So yes its a class thing, its a capitalist thing look how our own government is back by hedge funds that bet against us straying in the european Union. The answer is egalitarian equality and collective consensus governance by the people for the people of planet earth on a wider scale. here in the United kingdom or even just in England a truly representative government of the electorate would help, first past the post is completely broken system. It is not a democratic or egalitarian that is for sure.

An yes all lives matter, No one should face abuse for who they are and what they think but conversely no one should oppress any one for what they look like or say or think. An that should apply across the whole world in all nations but we know it is not eh case so lets fix it every where we can an that requires all those who believe that is how it should be to stand up and say we are not going to put up with this any longer. An risk being a martyr for the cause .sadly .

I am interested in following the Path of Orisha, what do I do about it?

•March 6, 2018 • Leave a Comment

this is a good article It confirmed what I have tried to do with my own practices so far as you can see from my blog the are three visualizations that i have managed to channel so far at least in part my alter is more european pagan in nature life is still a work in progress.

oshunschild's Blog: Simply my thoughts and feelings about being an Iyalocha in London

Jacob's work! Artwork By Jacob V Joyce

This is one of the most frequent questions that I have been asked over the years. I would also like to say that the Lucumi Path is only one variation of what may be labelled as Orisha worship. Because it is my lineage, the Lucumi path is what I will be concentrating on, however please be aware that there are different traditions under the umbrella of Orisha worship and you need to find what is right for you. Also bare in mind that even within traditions there are variations.

  1. I would say, first and foremost. Do not hurry. My advice always is to start with a connection to your ancestors and spirit guides. Those that have made the time to connect, are better equipped to find the right home for themselves spiritually. Developing that connection requires, time and dedication but it is worth it. Going…

View original post 3,223 more words


•October 20, 2017 • Leave a Comment

The plight of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people is said to be the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis.
Risking death by sea or on foot, more than half a million have fled the destruction of their homes and persecution in the northern Rakhine province of Myanmar (Burma) for neighbouring Bangladesh since August 2017.
The United Nations described the military offensive in Rakhine, which provoked the exodus, as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”.
Myanmar’s military says it is fighting Rohingya militants and denies targeting civilians.

It makes me here in the united Kingdom wonder what is wrong with the people of Myanma  that they cannot live in peace and equality with their fellow citizens and human kind.

My feeling is they should be ashamed to call them selves human given what they are currently doing it is more like the behavior of wild animals . An this  is far from the Buddhist philosophy and traditions that they claim as their state religion.

My sympathy and support for  Aung Sang Suu Kyi ahs been replaced with revulsion at her lack of humanity in not condemning what her army and her people have done to the Rohingya who have lived in Myanma  since the 1300`s. That is 717 years since the first recorded history of them inhabiting that land and in all that time they have been denied the rights of being citizens. 

What is being done to the Rohingya is no more or less than Hitler did to the Jews and the gypsy’s and the gays and handicapped in Germany during the last war. If the united nations was truly the organisation it purports to be. An  we the rest of the world truly supported it then a united nations army would be going in and taking the country over. Imprisoning the army generals an  government, segregating an area for the Rohingya  as a home land Alternatively if the Muslim states where truly followers of Allah then they would be arming the Rohingya  to destroy the Buddhist infidels. Sad to say a greater part  of the Muslim country’s are currently engaged on a path of self destruction and potential mutual annihilation . 

Personally if it was in my power I would simply let the government know that if they do not stop the genocide that the capital will be bombed and the country taken over and run as a united nations protectorate until the people learn better ways.

Sadly I am not the world governor and one person in the united kingdom has no way of stopping the evil that people do to each other . I do not even know any one from Myanma 

 Though I know and live with thousands of Muslims in what is a fairly cohesive multicultural community called London  where all we can do is hope to be a beacon  of light and posivitity  to the rest of the world as to how a truly human race might actually learn to live in peace together.check the bbc report   and Aljaazera   If you want to know more 

Al Salaam Alykum

Istanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week Committee sues leader of far-right group for targeting Pride 2016

•May 23, 2017 • Leave a Comment

Source: Istanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week Committee sues leader of far-right group for targeting Pride 2016

my anus has no sexual orientation

•May 16, 2017 • Leave a Comment


found this in the huff post 

It a real good explanation of why what you do sexually dose not make you gay ! It is who you fall in  love with who you are physically and emotional attracted to that actually makes you identify as gay.

Straight men will say they want to receive anal sex, or they want to engage in anal play, but they’re ashamed to tell their girlfriends or their wives. They’re ashamed to ask their partner to explore that with them. And not just because of the reaction they fear from their partner.

Sometimes, men themselves worry that—because they’re interested in anal play—it automatically means they’re gay… or perhaps even bisexual. I like to tell them: “In the state where I am a board certified sex therapist, your anus doesn’t have a sexual orientation.” That calms them down.

Some gay men never have nor want anal sex as well as I wrote in my article, “Guys on the Side: Looking Beyond Gay Tops and Bottoms.”

Other men do talk to their partners about it, but their partners aren’t interested. In these cases, the man doesn’t push it because he’s worried she’ll think he’s gay. And sometimes the wife or girlfriend does have this fear. In which case, I also have to educate her on the fact that anuses have no sexual orientation.

When I can convince a female to try this with her partner, to perhaps use a strap-on, she is sometimes pleasantly surprised. Many women report back to me that they’ve never been so wet in their life. That they felt dominant. That they were never so turned on before. He, meanwhile, was able to be submissive and vulnerable, often for the very first time. It can be a very positive experience for both partners.

Watch the video for more information.